Hairdressing Career – Fun and Creative

When you graduate from high-school, you re filled with dreams. You do not imagine yourself as a corporate stooge who works and sleeps as per the clock. You do not image your self-sitting in one long boring meeting after another to discuss some bullet points on the day’s protocol. No, you see yourself doing something fun, something creative, something that gives appropriate outlet to your pent up creativity.

One suggestion that comes to mind is that of a hairdresser. The field of hairdressing is a highly creative one and has attracted scores of people worldwide. Hair is one of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of our personality and tending to it making it look amazing is a natural way to go for us. So why not make a career in this field?

Hair is an important aspect of any individual’s appearance and personality; hence a lot of importance is given to both the quality as well as style of hair. In today’s generation, both men and women alike have become experimental and are not hesitant to try out different hairstyles to stand out in the crowd. You would witness this around you as more and more people start being overtly caution about their hair and love to fiddle with it. They are not hesitant to deviate from the traditional styles and try some trendy look.

On the contrary, youth today are very fashion conscious, they take minute care of how their hair look and if the style is in-step with the current fashion. This obsession with hair has made hair dressing a very lucrative career option. Along with clothing, cosmetics and accessories, the right hairstyle can make a world of difference to the person’s appearance and hence people are willing to dish out any amount of money for the right style, color or cut. Getting bangs or going Mohawk, the choice maybe yours but the right hairdresser can see it before you do and visualize it better than you can. They should have a creative eye and must be willing to experiment. Today the market has fire-cuts, glass cuts apart from the scissor-cut. If you don’t have an open mind, all this art would be wasted on you.

One can’t be a good hairstylist by simply studying in a good school. They have to have passion for the field above all else. Unless they love the profession, the texture, color and feel of the hair would mean nothing to them.  Apart from styling, the stylist has to be good at personal interaction with the client as well, he/she should be able to connect with the client, instruct them how to take care of their locks and gently guide them towards a style that would work best for them.  The right hair cut can provide an incredible transformation to a person’s appearance and a hairstylist must be talented enough to understand what kind of style will suit the person after making a detailed analysis of his or her hair quality as well as lifestyle.

Also hair style is not all about giving some fancy cut and seeing the client off, no. Designing also involves care, precision and an artistic approach to the entire process. Hence hair dressing institutes focus on these aspects in the curriculum. Experience is another key ingredient for a good hairdresser. There are so many techniques involved in hairstyling these days that a degree from the right institute can help you kick start your career but you need to take the efforts yourself, update yourself about the latest trends and keep the art alive by constant practice.  It is also important to get trained under experienced and well known hairstylists before you decide to open up your own shop.

A good knowledge of the various hair styling products is also mandatory for any hairstylist. The market is flooded with all sorts of products; the hairdresser must not only be able to separate the chaff from the grain but also help the clients understand which ones suit their individual need best. Anyone who is seriously considering taking up hairdressing as a career option must understand that this job involves dealing with people. So the right communication skills along with handling people can go a long way in building a successful career. The job also involves having mammoth quantities of creativity and imagination; you need to be constantly aware of the changing fashion trends on a global level to be able to score well in this profession.

Hair dressing is also a physically demanding job and required long and erratic work hours especially if you are keen on entering the fashion industry. But at the same time, it is a highly lucrative career and can give you immense job satisfaction to see a smile on your customer’s face when she looks at her new hairstyle.