You Too Can Be A Good Esthetician!

Anyone working as an esthetician in this country must be licensed. This means enrolling for an esthetician course in any reputable accredited esthetics school around the country. While here, you will be trained in different skincare and maintenance techniques as well as makeup applications from both a scientific and esthetic angle. Beauty processes such as body polishing, hair removal, self-tanning and facial massage are also all taught in these schools. You are also likely to experience a mix of theory and practical work, for a more rounded learning experience.

If you want to work in a more specialized area of esthetics, for example in medical esthetics , or as a permanent makeup applying technician, you will be required to get additional training in advanced beauty therapy. Medical estheticians are employed in dermatology or clinical setting to carry out esthetic procedures such as laser hair removal, Botox, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and many others.


All esthetic trainees are apt to gain practical experience working in student salons at their respective cosmetology schools. However, when you are studying to gain your license, an on-the-job or hands-on experience after completing your course is something of a paramount importance. For students that are continuing their training as medical estheticians, it is easy to pick up new methods and techniques as they always work with experienced practitioners in the industry.

Esthetics job attributes and skills


Esthetics is all about the skin and how to properly take care of it. This means that to be a successful esthetician, you will need to have a great understanding of how the skin works, is structured, repairs itself and ages. This much you will learn from the beauty school you got admitted into. You will also need to have a great on-going interest in the science of skin and keep up with the latest skin maintenance and care products as well as discoveries.

1. Present yourself as a professional esthetician: One of the most important requirements so as to be successful in esthetics is personal grooming. Simply put, you need to always present yourself properly dressed so as to create a smart image of your professionalism. For example, in a salon workplace environment, you should always wear a tunic and accompanying smart attire. This way you will present yourself to your clients as a professional who is confident in the hygiene and safety of his work.

2. Resourcefulness: As an esthetician, you will need to have a concrete understanding of the science of skin as well as its care and maintenance. Not only this, you will need to be as creative as they come, especially when you are applying makeup on your clients so as to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Steady hands and deft fingers are also a must as performance of techniques such as permanent makeup and eyelash extensions application demands so.

3. People skills: You can’t be successful as an esthetician if you can’t stand being with different people all day long. Estheticians work one-on-one with all sorts of people day in day out throughout the year. The rewards of this job come from this close interaction with different people throughout the day. This means you will need to a very good listener and have an extra high level of sensitivity and tactfulness, particularly if your plans are to train as a medical esthetician.

4. Sale skills: Every self employed esthetician needs to have adequate sales skills if he or she is to get enough money for his or her up upkeep. He or she must for one be able to recommend suitable products for his or her clients, guide them into buying what is best for their kind of a skin and lifestyle.

5. Stamina: Although it is possible to carry out a number of skincare treatments when seated, an esthetician’s day is spent mostly on his or her legs. This means that he or she has to be healthy and have enough stamina to help him or her carry the day. Apart from this, the esthetician must be able to maintain a friendly and professional manner throughout the day.

Job outlook

When you have just started out as an esthetician, it is good to note that you will be working long hours so as to gain enough experience to make you confident at what you do. Fortunately, this is one of those careers that offer the practitioner a lot of flexibility, meaning that you can opt to work part-time. But whatever your work schedule, it is advisable to work full-time during the weekends as this is the time that most of the clients are available for their treatments.

As an esthetician, you will never lack for work as there is a wide range of possible job options you can opt for. You will find work in holiday resorts, salons, spas, cruise ships, or even train for a position in a medical setting. A lot of opportunities also exist in beauty product sales roles or with makeup companies. With the beauty industry predicted to rapidly grow in the next decade, the career outlook for estheticians is pretty good.