Why You Should Attend A Cosmetology School Instead Of Taking Up A Cosmetology Apprenticeship

If you’ve set your heart to pursuing a career in cosmetology, you probably believe that you have two options in terms of how you can get licensed. Well, maybe you do. You could take a cosmetology apprenticeship or simply enroll in a cosmetology college. The path you choose however depends on a number of things. Here are five factors that should determine your final decision, and hopefully you will decide on a cosmetology school. How much time do you have? Most cosmetology schools require you to train for at least 1500 hours before you can be licensed. If you are
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7 Things That You Should Learn Before You Complete An Esthetics Course

Joining an esthetics school is often a good choice if you are interested in the beauty industry. The reality however is that it is not as easy as most people expect it to be. In order to be a successful esthetician, you need to be really good at what you do. And unfortunately, this is not limited knowing about skin types and how to perform the various procedures on your clients. Here are seven things that may not be a part of what you learn at esthetics school and yet you must know them. Your client is your boss There
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5 Tips To Get You Through Esthetics School While On A Full Time Job

Having a busy life schedule does not always imply that you are unable to achieve your dreams. You can keep that full time job and still get to go to a beauty college. The trick is in believing in yourself and well, working hard. You did not expect it to be easy now, did you? Here are five tips that will get you through the hardest parts of juggling a busy work schedule and a tight but rewarding esthetics school routine. The essential to-do list The whole idea of having a to-do list is to keep you on track and
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