Advanced Barbering Program —

Advanced Barbering

With growing opportunities for advancement, the barber profession has become a mainstream career. Learn the skills necessary for the modern barber today.  The shaving and hair cutting classes combine lectures with hands-on practice to teach proper shaving techniques.

Barbers in our barber program are trained step-by step from start to finish. Repetition develops the skills and instills confidence. We blend hair from previous length to the next length by working the haircut top to bottom, from long to short.

In the centuries before the clipper was invented, barbers used this technique to cut hair. Through the use of modern tools and implements, these methods enable our barbers to perform any haircut or combination of haircuts as their styles change with time, without ever having to say: “I didn’t learn this haircut”. Our program does not emphasize any particular haircut, but rather the skills and techniques needed to get a favorable result in any haircut, in a timely manner. Additionally, tailored haircuts are more likely to complement the appearance of the client, instead of the odd or funny appearance of a haircut that does not match the face of the client.

Barbers have been using this technique for centuries before clippers were invented. Our barbering graduates can perform any haircut or combination of haircuts as the styles change over time by using a combination of modern tools and implements as well as modern techniques, never having to say: “I have never learned this haircut”. Our training does not focus on teaching each haircut individually, but rather on providing all the necessary skills and techniques in a timely manner to achieve a favorable result in any haircut. Additionally, the barbers use this technique to make sure that each haircut complements the client, as opposed to using cookie-cutter haircuts that often look funny or odd due to their mismatch with head forms.

In order to make sure students receive exactly what they need, we offer advice, tips, and corrections as required, and even correct odd or different things. Because our licensed instructors have all been trained exactly the same as our students, they do not contradict each other when giving advice to the student, nor will we ever reprimand students in front of our clients. As well as monitoring the work of the student stylists, the teachers at Avola College ensure that the client is satisfied with the haircut’s end result at the end of the service. 

Curriculum for barbering programs includes:

  • Haircuts
  • Facials
  • Hairstyling
  • Hair
  • Shaving/Shaping (includes mustache and beard)
  • Personal Hygiene/Professional Ethics
  • Salesmanship
  • Management
  • Skin
  • Shampoo/Massage
  • Scalp Treatment
  • History of Barbering
  • Equipment Care
  • Hair Coloring
  • Hairpieces

Course Length:
Full Time
6 Weeks

Course Length:
Part Time
12 Weeks
